13DEC | Francesco Nava - London School of Economics "Differentiated durable goods: monopoly & competition" |
21JUNE | Dalibor Stevanović - University of Montreal "How is machine learning useful for macroeconomic forecasting?" |
28MAY | Hans Jarle Kind - Norwegian School of Economics "Personalized pricing disables rivals to soften competition" |
24APR | Maruška Vizek - The institute of Economics, Zagreb "Fiscal devaluations: evidence using bilateral trade balance data" |
22MAR | Georgios Georgiadis - European Central Bank "Monetary policy spillovers, capital controls and exchange rate flexibility and the financial channel of exchange rates" |
01MAR | Anna Obizhaeva - New Economic School, Moscow "Dimensional analysis, leverage neutrality, and market microstructure invariance" |
22FEB | Martin Brown - University of St.Gallen "Banking crises, bail-ins and money holdings" |
08FEB | Vyacheslav Gorovoy - New Economic School “Interest rate modelling under conditions of near-zero interest rates” |
23NOV | Theocharis Grigoriadis – Free University of Berlin “Conflict & empire: evidence from the breakup of Livonian confederation” |
31OCT | Simeon Djankov – London School of Economics “World development report: The changing nature of work” |
22JUNE | Assaf Razin – Cornell University, USA and Tel Aviv University, Israel “Financial Globalization and the Welfare State” |
13JUNE | Martin Summer – Central Bank of Austria “Systematic and Systemic Stress Tests” |
25MAY | Kamil Yilmaz – Koc University, Turkey “Input-Output Networks and Producer Price Inflation Connectedness“ |